Monday, May 16, 2011

Water Beads

Sibling rivalry has its place in families. With our siblings, we learn how to negotiate, fight, work as a team. It's with your brother or sister you figure out where that invisible line is in an argument that you don't want to cross in the real world.

It's also a huge pain in your mother's ass.

I am fairly certain I am raising a future CEO or dictator in my oldest who is determined to own every, single toy the moment his younger brother even considers playing with it. Every night I'm so glad I did not become a lawyer because the conflict management and negotiation that occurs between 6 and 8 every night is enough for my taste.  Ben squeals, Jack yells "MINE!" and mom (and dad) intervenes. Five minutes later, repeat.

Tonight, while attempting to heat up my dinner (for the second time) at 7:45pm, Ben was squealing, Jack was yelling "GIMME THE BEADS BEN!!!!" and I was mediating from the next room. This went on for about 10 minutes. I'll be honest, I went purely on previous experience and assumed Jack was doing something to piss his brother off and Jack got the bulk of the blame. Okay, all of the blame.

Finally tired of the squealing and in need of some sort of peace if only for 2 minutes for me to eat my lousy dinner, I walked into the playroom to discover the err of my ways. Ben took the entire bowl of dog water, dragged it to the playroom, and then proceeded to dunk about a dozen Mardi Gras bead necklaces into the water and then fling it against the wall and patio door. Jack was attempting to STOP the flinging.

Mommy fail.

Moral of the story - not every squeal and every "STOOOOOOOOOPPPPP!!!" is the same. Also, maybe eating in peace is overrated.